Saturday, March 1, 2008

Making Things Fit...

I was really frustrated with you this evening. I wanted to stay mad with you but I was prompted to stop focusing on myself and focus on you.

I was overcome with a desire to let people who are important to me know just how much I love them. So I began emailing my friends, telling them that they were special to me, that my life would be so very different with out them.

Then I began to think about our 10+ years together. How we are now on our 6th year of marriage and I was blown away by how grateful I am to have you in my life. I can't even imagine whatg my life would be like today if we had never met. There are so many wonderful thing that I would never have experienced without you by my side.

As I listen to you and Z snorring here in our room I am awed by how great
God has been to me.

I love you Darling. No matter what that will never change.

God's Man

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